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Paul Smith, Actor Mr Terrific Paul Smith was born on in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA as Arthur Paul Smith He was an actor, known for Mr Terrific (1966), The Gertrude Berg Show (1961) and The Erotic Adventures of Robin Hood (1969) He died on in North Hollywood, California, USAPaul Smith is Britain's foremost designer Shop designer men's and women's clothing, shoes & accessories with Worldwide Delivery and FREE Click & Collect Paul Smith is a label that has become synonymous with classic British tailoring and style Inspired by the traditional British menswear he admired as young boy such as his brother's Post Office shirts and the tweeds of the Nottinghamshire country set Smith's greatest attribute is simplicity He has described his designs as "wellmade, good quality, simple cut, interesting
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It was a cycling accident as a teenager that sparked racing enthusiast Paul Smith's interest in fashion The renowned Nottinghamborn designer, famed for his impeccable tailoring and eccentrically British personality, opened his first boutique in Nottingham in 1970, after training at Lincroft Kilgour on Savile Row The designer launched a womenswear line in 1993, and a楽天市場「Paul Smith 壁紙」4件 人気の商品を価格比較・ランキング・レビュー・口コミで検討できます。ご購入でポイント取得がお得。セール商品・送料無料商品も多数。「あす楽」なら翌日お届けExplore releases from Paul Smith at Discogs Shop for Vinyl, CDs and more from Paul Smith at the Discogs Marketplace

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